5 دقیقه میانگین مدت زمان مطالعه است

توسط کامپایلر C# که با عنوان Roslyn بازنویسی شده است. قابلیت افزونه‌پذیری به آن اضافه شده است که به شما قابلیت بررسی بیشتر کدها در زمان کامپایل و صادر کردن خطا در مواقع خاص را می‌دهد.
بطور مثال در این مطلب کدهای قرار داده شده، پروژه را از قسمت‌های مختلف مانند Async بررسی می‌کند و خطا می‌دهد.

کد زیر را می‌توانید در فایل Directory.Build.props در Root پروژه خودتان ایجاد کنید و در آن قرار دهید تا در همه زیرپروژه‌ها اعمال شود.
وجود این PackageReference ها، به معنای بالا رفتن حجم نهایی قابل ارائه‌ی پروژه نیست؛ چون به صورت PrivateAssets و analyzers تعریف شده‌اند و فقط در حین پروسه‌ی کامپایل، جهت ارائه‌ی راهنمایی‌های بیشتر، تاثیرگذار خواهند بود.

در کد زیر افزونه‌های کاربردی برای بررسی کد به تمام زیرپروژه‌ها اضافه می‌شود.

      CA2007: Consider calling ConfigureAwait on the awaited task
      MA0004: Use Task.ConfigureAwait(false) as the current SynchronizationContext is not needed
      CA1056: Change the type of property 'Url' from 'string' to 'System.Uri'
      CA1054: Change the type of parameter of the method to allow a Uri to be passed as a 'System.Uri' object
      CA1055: Change the return type of method from 'string' to 'System.Uri'

    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers" Version="6.0.0">
      <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>

    <PackageReference Include="Meziantou.Analyzer" Version="1.0.698">
      <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>

    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Threading.Analyzers" Version="17.1.46">
      <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>

    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.BannedApiAnalyzers" Version="3.3.3">
      <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>

    <PackageReference Include="SecurityCodeScan.VS2019" Version="5.6.2">
      <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>

    <PackageReference Include="AsyncFixer" Version="1.5.1">
      <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>

    <PackageReference Include="Asyncify" Version="0.9.7">
      <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>

    <!--<PackageReference Include="ClrHeapAllocationAnalyzer" Version="3.0.0">
      <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>

    <PackageReference Include="SonarAnalyzer.CSharp" Version="">
      <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>

    <AdditionalFiles Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)BannedSymbols.txt" Link="Properties/BannedSymbols.txt" />

با اضافه کردن کد بالا تعداد خطاهای برنامه بسیار زیاد می‌شود.
در این صورت می‌توانید کد زیر را با نام .editorconfig در پروژه قرار دهید و موارد مورد نیاز خود را در آن اعمال کنید.
بطور مثال dotnet_analyzer_diagnostic.category-Style.severity = warning نوع خطا رعایت نکردن استایل در کد را بصورت Warning درمی‌آورد که می‌توانید آن را به موارد دیگر مانند Suggestion و یا Error تغییر دهید.

برای خطاهای دیگر مانند CA1308 می‌توانید آن را به کد زیر اضافه کنید و نوع آن را خودتان تعیین کنید.


# Default severity for analyzer diagnostics with category 'Style' (escalated to build warnings)
dotnet_analyzer_diagnostic.category-Style.severity = warning

# MA0026 : Complete the task
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0026.severity = suggestion

# CA1308: In method 'urlToLower', replace the call to 'ToLowerInvariant' with 'ToUpperInvariant' (CA1308)
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1308.severity = suggestion

# CA1040: Avoid empty interfaces
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1040.severity = suggestion

# CA1829 Use the "Count" property instead of Enumerable.Count()
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1829.severity = suggestion

# Use 'Count' property here instead.
dotnet_diagnostic.S2971.severity = suggestion

# S1135 : Complete the task
dotnet_diagnostic.S1135.severity = suggestion

# S2479: Replace the control character at position 7 by its escape sequence
dotnet_diagnostic.S2479.severity = suggestion

# CA2007: Consider calling ConfigureAwait on the awaited task
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2007.severity = none

# MA0004: Use Task.ConfigureAwait(false) as the current SynchronizationContext is not needed
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0004.severity = none

# CA1056: Change the type of property 'Url' from 'string' to 'System.Uri'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1056.severity = suggestion

# CA1054: Change the type of parameter of the method to allow a Uri to be passed as a 'System.Uri' object
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1054.severity = suggestion

# CA1055: Change the return type of method from 'string' to 'System.Uri'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1055.severity = suggestion

# S4457: Split this method into two, one handling parameters check and the other handling the asynchronous code.
dotnet_diagnostic.S4457.severity = none

# AsyncFixer01: Unnecessary async/await usage
dotnet_diagnostic.AsyncFixer01.severity = suggestion

# AsyncFixer02: Long-running or blocking operations inside an async method
dotnet_diagnostic.AsyncFixer02.severity = suggestion

# VSTHRD103: Call async methods when in an async method
dotnet_diagnostic.VSTHRD103.severity = suggestion

# AsyncFixer03: Fire & forget async void methods
dotnet_diagnostic.AsyncFixer03.severity = suggestion

# VSTHRD100: Avoid async void methods
dotnet_diagnostic.VSTHRD100.severity = suggestion

# VSTHRD101: Avoid unsupported async delegates
dotnet_diagnostic.VSTHRD101.severity = suggestion

# VSTHRD107: Await Task within using expression
dotnet_diagnostic.VSTHRD107.severity = suggestion

# AsyncFixer04: Fire & forget async call inside a using block
dotnet_diagnostic.AsyncFixer04.severity = suggestion

# VSTHRD110: Observe result of async calls
dotnet_diagnostic.VSTHRD110.severity = suggestion

# VSTHRD002: Avoid problematic synchronous waits
dotnet_diagnostic.VSTHRD002.severity = suggestion

# MA0045: Do not use blocking call (make method async)
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0045.severity = suggestion

# AsyncifyInvocation: Use Task Async
dotnet_diagnostic.AsyncifyInvocation.severity = suggestion

# AsyncifyVariable: Use Task Async
dotnet_diagnostic.AsyncifyVariable.severity = suggestion

# VSTHRD111: Use ConfigureAwait(bool)
dotnet_diagnostic.VSTHRD111.severity = none

# MA0022: Return Task.FromResult instead of returning null
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0022.severity = suggestion

# VSTHRD114: Avoid returning a null Task
dotnet_diagnostic.VSTHRD114.severity = suggestion

# VSTHRD200: Use "Async" suffix for async methods
dotnet_diagnostic.VSTHRD200.severity = suggestion

# MA0040: Specify a cancellation token
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0032.severity = suggestion

# MA0040: Flow the cancellation token when available
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0040.severity = suggestion

# MA0079: Use a cancellation token using .WithCancellation()
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0079.severity = suggestion

# MA0080: Use a cancellation token using .WithCancellation()
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0080.severity = suggestion

#AsyncFixer05: Downcasting from a nested task to an outer task.
dotnet_diagnostic.AsyncFixer05.severity = suggestion

# ClrHeapAllocationAnalyzer
# HAA0301: Closure Allocation Source
dotnet_diagnostic.HAA0301.severity = suggestion

# HAA0601: Value type to reference type conversion causing boxing allocation
dotnet_diagnostic.HAA0601.severity = suggestion

# HAA0302: Display class allocation to capture closure
dotnet_diagnostic.HAA0302.severity = suggestion

# HAA0101: Array allocation for params parameter
dotnet_diagnostic.HAA0101.severity = suggestion

# HAA0603: Delegate allocation from a method group
dotnet_diagnostic.HAA0603.severity = suggestion

# HAA0602: Delegate on struct instance caused a boxing allocation
dotnet_diagnostic.HAA0602.severity = suggestion

# HAA0401: Possible allocation of reference type enumerator
dotnet_diagnostic.HAA0401.severity = silent

# HAA0303: Lambda or anonymous method in a generic method allocates a delegate instance
dotnet_diagnostic.HAA0303.severity = silent

# HAA0102: Non-overridden virtual method call on value type
dotnet_diagnostic.HAA0102.severity = silent

# HAA0502: Explicit new reference type allocation
dotnet_diagnostic.HAA0502.severity = none

# HAA0505: Initializer reference type allocation
dotnet_diagnostic.HAA0505.severity = silent

# MA0009: Regular expressions
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0009.severity = suggestion

# S1118: Protected constructor
dotnet_diagnostic.S1118.severity = suggestion

# CA1052: Static holder
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1052.severity = suggestion

# CA1008: Add a member to SubscriptionStartType that has a value of zero with a suggested name of 'None'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1008.severity = suggestion

# S4035: Seal class 'PasswordComplexitySetting' or implement 'IEqualityComparer<T>' instead
dotnet_diagnostic.S4035.severity = suggestion

# S3897: Implement 'IEquatable<PasswordComplexitySetting>'
dotnet_diagnostic.S3897.severity = suggestion

# MA0077: A class that provides Equals(T) should implement IEquatable<T>
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0077.severity = suggestion

# CA1034: Do not nest type Host. Alternatively, change its accessibility so that it is not externally visible.
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1034.severity = suggestion

# MA0048: File name must match type name
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0048.severity = suggestion

# CA1014: Mark assemblies with CLSCompliant
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1014.severity = suggestion

# CS0162: Unrichebele code
dotnet_diagnostic.CS0162.severity = suggestion

# MA0049: Type name should not match containing namespace
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0049.severity = suggestion

dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0160.severity = none

dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0008.severity = none

dotnet_diagnostic.MA0047.severity = none

فایل زیر را می‌توانید با نام BannedSymbols.txt ذخیره کنید تا موارد گفته شده در آن مانند استفاده از UtcNow بجای Now اجباری شود.
این فایل نیز در آخر تکه کد اول معرفی شده است.

P:System.DateTime.Now;Use System.DateTime.UtcNow instead
P:System.DateTimeOffset.Now;Use System.DateTimeOffset.UtcNow instead
P:System.DateTimeOffset.DateTime;Use System.DateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime instead

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